Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a relatively new advertising network, although has quickly grown to become regarded as one of the best performing around, and offers a unique highly targeted solution. However, this impressive targeting means that eCPMs vary wildly from website to website, but at best compare extremely favourably with the top traditional networks. Their support is also quick and polite, although slightly impersonal.

AdSense is a major development in online advertising, and it is being constantly updated with improved reporting features and channel filtering. You are also able to change the colours of the text ads so that they either fit into the design of your site, or stand out, depending on what you are trying to achieve. They also have the ability to sometimes show contextually relevant image ads, and you are able to redirect any unpaid ads to a third party network.

Although you do nee to reach $100 before you are paid from Google, the balance from each month does roll over to the next month until you have reached this figure, and you can rest assured that a company such as Google will always pay and always on time.

Overall, Google AdSense is great way to monetize your current traffic, especially when utilized as a skyscraper or similar next to your content.

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